Thursday, April 24, 2008

Evil Sister?:

I had the weirdest dream last night. Now that I think about it, it was actually quite freaky.

For some odd reason my parents felt the need to have another child. Yes...weird, I know. Anyway, since my mom is not capable of having kids any more they decided to adopt one. I guess it's true what everyone says that kids bring joy to families because for some odd reason, we were all excited about it(in my dream of course). My siblings...all the everyday stress we put each other through now, was put aside because of the idea of a new child being brought into our family. We were all sitting together at dinner discussing the situation and unbelievably, there was no arguing or yelling. That's rare in my family now a days. I remember my siblings and I working hard to clean the house and prepare for the arrival of my parents with our new brother/sister. When they finally arrived we were quite surprised. I guess we were all expecting my parents to adopt a baby. Instead, out of the car came a cute but really shy little girl who was probably around the age of 5 to 7, if I had to make a guess. I introduced myself to her and she responded...though quietly, and shook my hand. I remember feeling this coldness as I held her hand. I noticed something about her besides her shyness...a very mysterious aura seem to surround her. She wasn't scary or ugly, but for some reason, I had the chills(I'm getting them now just thinking about my dream). You ever watch those scary movies where there's a little girl who looks and acts so innocent but you know right away she's evil? Well, that's the feeling I got. I was scared of her...I admit.

As I looked at her, I noticed that she was holding something in her hand. They were pictures. I asked her if I could see them. At first she seemed reluctant to let me see them. However, she eventually handed them over to me with her eyes looking at the ground. She seemed embarass...or scared...I couldn't tell. What I saw in the pictures startled me. There were three pictures. One was of a cemetary...another was of a funeral at that same cemetary. The third picture scared me the was the picture of casket. The scariest part of the picture was that the casket was open, but there was nobody inside. It was empty. Just as I was about to ask her where she got the pictures and why...

I WOKE UP(i know...what a tease)!! I had overslept a little so I rushed out of bed and got ready. As I drove to work, I couldn't stop recollecting the dream I just had. What could the dream mean? They say that our dreams are thoughts and feelings within our subconscious which only presents itself to the conscious through dreams. Some believe that dreams are sign of events to come(please God no...I'm scared already). Yet others say that dreams have no meaning or no significance other than something that happens when we sleep. I'm trying not to analyze it too much, but I have to admit...I'm spooked. Man, no more eating heavy before sleeping. =X

On a lighter and not so scary note, someone posted this youtube video on

Pretty crazy to think that this may be the future of how we use computers. Although the technology is actually out there(just not yet in full use), it's amazing that a college student built this. Supposedly they say he goes to Cal Poly Pomona(my alma mater)...not sure if that's true or not, but if it is, this is definitely not one of the guys who use to copy all his work and homework like a certain blogger =X

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ahhaha, i'm so picturing dakota fanning